Java – thread / handler error – the specified message queue synchronization barrier flag has not been published
I received this error –
As a relative newcomer to Java / Android, there is no doubt that I missed something, but what I am doing is this –
I have a project that uses EXIF data to display photos according to the shooting date. The purpose is to use similar models on each stage
Worker thread – > UI thread – > custom display adapter Then click a "cell" in the GridView to trigger the next activity The first activity searches all photo files, creates a "year" list, and then filters it into months, days, etc. for each follow-up activity
However, starting the second activity will directly start the above error and process the message through the basic thread / handler settings
This is the class that passes messages to threads –
public class MonthSort { Handler handler; int imageWidth; List<PhotoData> photoList; public MonthSort(Handler handler2,int width,List<PhotoData> pList) { photoList = new ArrayList<PhotoData>(); photoList = pList; imageWidth = width; handler = handler2; } public void sortFiles() { int month,photoCount; File fileName = new File(""); Message msg = handler.obtainMessage(); //Message msg = Message.obtain(); //Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); try { for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { month = i + 1; photoCount = 0; for (PhotoData pd : photoList) { if(month == pd.month) { if(photoCount == 0) fileName = pd.fileName; photoCount++; } } if(photoCount != 0) { Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString("filename",fileName.toString()); bundle.putInt("month",month); bundle.putInt("count",photoCount); byte[] thumbNail = getThumbnail(fileName,imageWidth); bundle.putByteArray("thumbnail",thumbNail); msg.setData(bundle); handler.sendMessage(msg); } } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block Log.d("Debug","handler error occurs in monthSort class"); } /*Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putBoolean("end",true); msg.setData(bundle); handler.sendMessage(msg);*/ }
... this is the code that receives it in the UI thread
public class MonthActivity extends Activity { List<PhotoData> photoList; static List<MonthData> photos; int imageWidth; GridView photoGrid; static ImageAdapter2 iAdapter; int year; Thread monthSortThread; Handler handler2 = new Handler() { @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { Bundle bundle = msg.getData(); // Get the message sent to the Handler. boolean ended = bundle.getBoolean("end"); if(ended) { //Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(),"FINISHED !!!",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } else { try { MonthData md = new MonthData(); md.monthValue = bundle.getInt("month"); md.monthString = getMonthString(md.monthValue); md.count = bundle.getInt("count"); byte[] tn = bundle.getByteArray("thumbnail"); md.thumbnail = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(tn,tn.length); photos.add(md); iAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block Log.d("Debug","handler error occurs in UI Handler"); } } } };
Please note that I don't include all the code, just what I think is relevant
The previous activity successfully manipulated the message in the same way, why not the second activity?
I know the main UI thread already has a looper setting, so you don't have to create one Is it still applicable to any follow-up activities?
This problem is solved by using the dispatcher message method of handler instead of SendMessage