Java – why get base class methods through reflection when subclasses override them?

I have super classes:

class MyClass<T> {
  public void setValue(T value){
    //insert code

  public T getValue(){
    return null;


class MyClassImp extends MyClass<String> {
  public void setValue(String value){
    //insert code

  public String getValue(){
    return null;


Class clazz = MyClassImpl.class;
Method[] methods = clazz.getDeclaredMethods();@H_502_3@ 

我得到两个超类实现java.lang.Object getValue(),void setValue(java.lang.Object)和java.lang.String getValue(),void setValue(java.lang.String).


Returns an array of Method objects reflecting all the methods declared by the class or interface represented by this Class object. This includes public,protected,default (package) access,and private methods,but excludes inherited methods. The elements in the array returned are not sorted and are not in any particular order. This method returns an array of length 0 if the class or interface declares no methods,or if this Class object represents a primitive type,an array class,or void. The class initialization method <clinit> is not included in the returned array. If the class declares multiple public member methods with the same parameter types,they are all included in the returned array.




This is because the compiled class actually declares setValue (object) The method will be converted to String and then called strongly typed method. Similarly, getValue (object) calls getValue (string)

Basically, this is necessary because the JVM really doesn't know generics (at least not in a profound way) – in order to override superclass methods at the JVM level, it must have the same signature

Look at the javap - C myclassimp class, and you will see additional synthesis methods:

public java.lang.Object getValue();
   0:   aload_0
   1:   invokevirtual   #3; //Method getValue:()Ljava/lang/String;
   4:   areturn

public void setValue(java.lang.Object);
   0:   aload_0
   1:   aload_1
   2:   checkcast       #4; //class java/lang/String
   5:   invokevirtual   #5; //Method setValue:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
   8:   return

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