Is the tag a Java statement?
Whether the tag is a Java statement and whether the tag is a statement defined as a statement in the Java language specification?
My question relates to Jan lahoda's following reply in the error report I sent to Oracle I can't discuss it there because I can't get an account in openjdk JIRA
I think the tag in Java is not a statement. In Jan's example, both a and B tags are related to the same while loop statement, so compile time errors should not be triggered
Is it marked as / do / for statement in / while / do / for statement in Java?
After JLS, declare that you can
StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement LabeledStatement IfThenStatement IfThenElseStatement WhileStatement ForStatement
Same as labeledstatement
Identifier : Statement
And explain
So in the case of a loop
public void method() { loop1: loop2: while (true) { if (true) { break loop1; } else { continue loop1; } } }
The label statement loop1 is the whole loop2
If we look at the definition of break, it shows that
And for continuing it
These definitions are consistent with the compiler, provide compiler errors for the continue loop1 statement, and make break loop1 valid because loop2:... Is not a "while, do, or for statement"
About your practical question: is the tag a Java declaration?
The following code is completely legal and well compiled
public void method() { loop:; }
This follows the extension of statement – > Labeledstatement – > identifier: declaration – > loop: statement – > loop: statementwithtrailingsubstatement – > loop: emptystatement – >
loop : ;
No, the tag itself is not declared. The identifier (later called "tag") plus Colom plus emptystatement (;) However
Is there no tag / do / for statement in / A / do / for statement?
No, Labeledstatement is like this: labeledstatement A marked as declaration – > label – > identifier: declaration – > identifier: whilestatement is basically different from statement – > whilestatement!