Failed: metadata error: Java Lang.runtimeexception: unable to instantiate org apache. hadoop. hive. metastore. HiveMetaStoreClient
I closed my HDFS client while HDFS and hive instances were running Now, when I re-enter hive, I cannot perform any DDL tasks, such as "show tables" or "describe tablename" It gives the following error
ERROR exec.Task ( - Failed: Error in Metadata: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate org.apache.hadoop.hive.Metastore.HiveMetaStoreClient org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.Metadata.HiveException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate org.apache.hadoop.hive.Metastore.HiveMetaStoreClient
Anyone can suggest what I need to do to implement my Metastore_ DB instantiation without recreating the table? Otherwise, I have to repeat the creation of the entire database / schema again
I have solved the problem These are the steps I follow:
>Go to $hive_ HOME / bin / Metastore_ DB > dB Copy Lck to DB Lck1, dbex Copy Lck to dbex Lck1 > from DB Lck and dbex The lock entry > log out of the hive shell and all running HDFS instances > log in to HDFS and hive shell again has been deleted in Lck If you run the DDL command, it may give you "failed to instantiate hivemetastoreclient error" again > now dB Lck1 copy back to DB Lck and dbex Copy lck1 to dbex Lck > log out of all hive shells and HDFS instances > relogin, you should see your old table
Note: Step 5 may seem a little strange, because even if the lock entry is deleted, it will still give hivemetastoreclient error, but it is useful to me
Advantage: you don't have to re - create the entire database
I hope it helps someone face the same mistake If you find it useful, please vote thank you