Object size in Java
Suppose I have:
Class A{ int a; } A obj = new A();
Then what is the size of obj? Is it the same size as int, just like in C?
If I can figure this out, I can keep large hashmaps in ram without using a database
Thank you in advance
In fact, I have:
HashMap<Long,List<T>> map;
class T{ private int a; private int b; private int c; // constructor,getters and setters }
And the size of the map may increase to 10000000 keys. For each key, I will have a list of sizes of 100-1000
Will the whole map stay in the pile?
Edit 2
When I load a map with about 70000 keys, when I serialize it into a file, the file is about 18 MB, so is it 18 MB in my map heap?
It may depend on the JVM, but in fact, for a 32 - bit JVM, the object = 8 - byte header field The title contains an ID reference to the class
The field size depends on the field type, reference – 8 bytes, Boolean – 1 byte, etc
Except that the object is aligned to 8 bytes That's your A. It takes 16 bytes Minimum size = 8 bytes, no fields
More here http://www.javamex.com/tutorials/memory/object_memory_usage.shtml
If you are using an Oracle JVM, you can use sun misc. Unsafe investigates the object structure byte by byte