Java – how do I manage optional spaces in ANTLR?
I tried to parse the data file in ANTLR – it has optional spaces
3 6 97 12 15 18
The start and end positions of the line are shown below Finally, there is a newline character without a label
^ 3 6$ ^ 97 12$ ^ 15 18$ ^
My grammar is:
lines : line+; line : ws1 {System.out.println("WSOPT :"+$ws1.text+":");} num1 {System.out.println("NUM1 "+$num1.text);} ws2 {System.out.println("WS :"+$ws2.text+":");} num2 {System.out.println("NUM2 "+$num2.text);} NEWLINE ; num1 : INT ; num2 : INT ; ws1 : WSOPT; ws2 : WS; INT : '0'..'9'+; NEWLINE : '\r'? '\n'; //WS : (' '|'\t' )+ ; WS : (' ')+ ; WSOPT : (' ')* ;
This makes
line 1:0 mismatched input ' ' expecting WSOPT WSOPT :null: NUM1 3 WS : : NUM2 6 line 2:0 mismatched input ' ' expecting WSOPT WSOPT :null: NUM1 97 WS : : NUM2 12 BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 1 second)
(that is, the leading WS has not been recognized, and the last line has been omitted)
I want to parse lines without spaces, for example:
^12 34$ ^ 23 97$
But my mistakes are as follows:
line 1:0 required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input ' '
I appreciate the general explanation of parsing WS in ANTLR
The editor @ jitter has a useful answer – {ignore = WS} does not appear in the "authoritative ANTLR reference" book I am using, so it is obviously a thorny field
I also need help to modify it to:
lines : line line line; line options { ignore=WS; } : ws1 {System.out.println("WSOPT :"+$ws1.text+":");} num1 {System.out.println("NUM1 "+$num1.text);} ws2 {System.out.println("WS :"+$ws2.text+":");} num2 {System.out.println("NUM2 "+$num2.text);} NEWLINE ;
But got an error:
illegal option ignore
Edit this has obviously been removed from V3:
WS : (' ' | '\t')+
WS : (' ' | '\t')+ {$channel = HIDDEN;} ;