How to insert big integer in Java preprocessing statement
I want to insert a large integer value using preprocessing statements. I have a string variable named XID (41527820021925053)
preparedStatement = conn.prepareStatement(sql); preparedStatement.setObject(1,XOBJ); preparedStatement.setObject(2,YOBJ); preparedStatement.setBigInteger(3,xid); preparedStatement.setInt(4,23); preparedStatement.executeUpdate(); preparedStatement.close();
I am a novice, how to achieve this goal
Preparedstatement does not have a setbiginteger() method
Use one of the following methods:
>Setbigdecimal (3, new BigDecimal (XID)) > setlong (3, long. Parselong (XID)) if the value can fit in a long term > setstring (3, XID) let the jdbc driver convert the string for you
Using the following comment make by OP, the second option above (now highlighted) is the correct option, because PostgreSQL bigint is the same as Java long
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