Summary of java knowledge points
1. Basic data type
Byte 1 byte
Short 2 bytes
Int 4 bytes
Long 8 bytes
Char 2 bytes
Floating point number:
Float 4 bytes
Double 8 bytes
Boolean 1 byte
2.7 adding binary integers
Start with 0b or 0b
3. The 16 bit Unicode encoding method for characters in Java. The format is' \ uxxxx ', where XXXX represents a hexadecimal integer
4. Java specifies positive infinity, negative infinity and zero
Positive infinity = a positive number divided by 0
Negative infinity = a negative number divided by zero
Divide 0.0 by 0.0 or square a negative number to get a non number
5. In Java, Boolean types can only be true and false
6. There is no multidimensional array in Java
It seems that the multidimensional array in C language is not a real array. For example, a [3] [4], a [0], a [1] and a [2] are real. They are loaded with addresses, which is the same as the array dynamically allocated in C language
int [][] b = new int[3][4]
7. Compilation method with package in Java
javac -d . Hello. Java will generate a directory tree under the current directory
Run java package name Class name
8. The filed of the object in Java polymorphism is not polymorphic. For example, the parent class object = new subclass (), and the object. Field is the parent class of the call, even if the field is overwritten in the subclass.
9. Instanceof operator
Format: refers to the variable name instanceof class name (or interface). It is used to judge whether the previous object is the class, subclass and implementation class instance of the following object. It returns true or false
10. Conversion between basic data types and corresponding encapsulation classes in Java
int a = 1; Integer A = new Integer(a); a = A.intValue();
The same is true for other types.
11. Singleton class examples