Graphic tutorial for configuring Maven environment in eclipse

I What is Maven?

Maven is a project management tool, which includes a project object model, a set of standards, a project lifecycle, a dependency management system, and logic used to run plug-in goals defined in the life cycle phase. When you use maven, you use a well-defined project object model to describe your project, and then Maven can apply crosscutting logic from a set of shared (or custom) plug-ins.

Maven has a life cycle that is called when you run MVN install. This command tells Maven to perform a series of orderly steps until you reach the specified life cycle. One effect of traversing the life cycle is that Maven runs many default plug-in goals that do things like compiling and creating a jar file.

There are two ways to download a jar package. One is to download the compressed package directly, and the other is to provide Maven download path. Maven's most convenient is to help us download jar packages. Bid farewell to the traditional manual package guide.

II Maven warehouse

Maven has three concepts: central warehouse, local warehouse and private server

1. The central warehouse is the download address of all jar packages provided to you by Maven website:

III Eclipse configuration Maven official website:

The content of this article comes from the network collection of netizens. It is used as a learning reference. The copyright belongs to the original author.
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