How to program monadically in Java 8 while achieving comparable performance?

Is monadic programming slow in Java 8? Here is my test (create a new instance for each calculation using any of the right deviations) The command version is 1000 times faster How to program monadically in Java 8 while achieving comparable performance?

Main. java

public class Main {

    public static void main(String args[]){
        Main m = new Main();;

    public void work(){
        final long start = System.nanoTime();
        final Either<Throwable,Integer> result =
                Try(this::getInput).flatMap((s) ->
                Try(this::getInput).flatMap((s2) ->
                parseInt(s).flatMap((i) ->
                parseInt(s2).map((i2) ->
                i + i2
        final long end = System.nanoTime();;
        System.out.println((end-start)/1000+"us to execute");

    public void work2(){
        Object result;
        final long start = System.nanoTime();
        try {
            final String s = getinput();
            final String s2 = getinput();

            final int i = parzeInt(s);
            final int i2 = parzeInt(s2);
            result = i + i2;
        }catch(Throwable t){
        final long end = System.nanoTime();
        System.out.println((end-start)/1000+"us to execute");

    public <A> A println(final A a){
        return a;

    public  String getinput(){
        final Integer value = new Random().nextInt();
        if(value % 2 == 0) return "Surprise!!!";
        return value+"";

    public Either<Throwable,Integer> parseInt(final String s){
            return Either.right(Integer.parseInt(s));
        }catch(final Throwable t){
            return Either.left(t);

    public Integer parzeInt(final String s){
        return Integer.parseInt(s);

Either. java

public abstract class Either<L,R>
    public static <L,R> Either<L,R> left(final L l){
        return new Left(l);

    public static <L,R> right(final R r){
        return new Right(r);

    public static<L,R> toEither(final Optional<R> oR,final L l){
        return oR.isPresent() ? right(oR.get()) : left(l);

    public static <R> Either<Throwable,R> Try(final supplier<R> sr){
            return right(sr.get());
        }catch(Throwable t){
            return left(t);

    public abstract <R2> Either<L,R2> flatMap(final Function<R,Either<L,R2>> f);

    public abstract  <R2> Either<L,R2> map(final Function<R,R2> f);

    public abstract  <L2> Either<L2,R> leftMap(final Function<L,L2> f);

    public abstract  Either<R,L> swap();

    public static class Left<L,R> extends Either<L,R> {
        final L l;

        private Left(final L l){

        public <R2> Either<L,R2>> f){
            return (Either<L,R2>)this;

        public <R2> Either<L,R2> f){
            return (Either<L,R2>)this;

        public <L2> Either<L2,L2> f){
            return new Left(f.apply(l));

        public Either<R,L> swap(){
            return new Right(l);

    public static class Right<L,R> {
        final R r;

        private Right(final R r){

        public <R2> Either<L,R2>> f){
            return f.apply(r);

        public <R2> Either<L,R2> f){
            return new Right(f.apply(r));

        public <L2> Either<L2,L2> f){
            return (Either<L2,R>)this;

        public Either<R,L> swap(){
            return new Left(r);


Although I don't quite understand your efforts - obviously you are using the side effects of the map, you have no alternative to get results from any type of unpacking - I have measured your work at jmh Your use of random was wrong and I corrected it This is the code I use:

@Warmup(iterations = 5,time = 1,timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)
@Measurement(iterations = 5,timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)
public class Measure
  static final int SIZE = 1;

  @Benchmark public Either<Throwable,Integer> workMonadically() {
    final Either<Throwable,Integer> result =
        Try(this::getInput).flatMap((s) ->
            Try(this::getInput).flatMap((s2) ->
                parseInt(s).flatMap((i) ->
                    parseInt(s2).map((i2) ->
                            i + i2
    return result;

  @Benchmark public Object workImperatively() {
    Object result;
    try {
      final String s = getinput();
      final String s2 = getinput();

      final int i = parzeInt(s);
      final int i2 = parzeInt(s2);
      result = i + i2;
    }catch(Throwable t){
    return result;

  public String getinput() {
    final Integer value = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt();
    if (value % 2 == 0) return "Surprise!!!";
    return String.valueOf(value);

  public Either<Throwable,Integer> parseInt(final String s){
      return Either.right(Integer.parseInt(s));
    }catch(final Throwable t){
      return Either.left(t);

  public Integer parzeInt(final String s){
    return Integer.parseInt(s);

  public static abstract class Either<L,R>
    public static <L,R> left(final L l){
      return new Left<>(l);

    public static <L,R> right(final R r){
      return new Right<>(r);

    public static<L,final L l){
      return oR.isPresent() ? right(oR.get()) : left(l);

    public static <R> Either<Throwable,R> Try(final supplier<R> sr){
        return right(sr.get());
      }catch(Throwable t){
        return left(t);

    public abstract <R2> Either<L,R> {
      final L l;

      private Left(final L l){

      @Override public <R2> Either<L,R2>> f){
        return (Either<L,R2>)this;

      @Override public <R2> Either<L,R2> f){
        return (Either<L,R2>)this;

      @Override public <L2> Either<L2,L2> f){
        return new Left<>(f.apply(l));

      @Override public Either<R,L> swap(){
        return new Right<>(l);

    public static class Right<L,R> {
      final R r;

      private Right(final R r){

      @Override public <R2> Either<L,R2>> f){
        return f.apply(r);

      @Override public <R2> Either<L,R2> f){
        return new Right<>(f.apply(r));

      @Override public <L2> Either<L2,L2> f){
        return (Either<L2,R>)this;

      @Override public Either<R,L> swap(){
        return new Left<>(r);

This is the result:

Benchmark                 Mode  Cnt     score     Error  Units
Measure.workImperatively  avgt    5  1646,874 ± 137,326  ns/op
Measure.workMonadically   avgt    5  1990,668 ± 281,646  ns/op

So there is little difference

The content of this article comes from the network collection of netizens. It is used as a learning reference. The copyright belongs to the original author.
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