java – NetBeans 6.9. Metrics for X

I've been an avid eclipse user of java development for some time, but recently I've begun to like using NetBeans 6.9 1, thanks to faster (IMHO) code completion and powerful templates and refactoring tools

Anyway, one thing I lack is some tools to analyze the metrics of my code I found an eclipse plug-in that gave me countless information, from TLOC to cyclomatic complexity and an override method counter

Anyone can recommend NetBeans 6.9 1's working indicator tool? The one I found (simple metrics and refactor it) is no longer maintained or even installed as a module on the current NetBeans platform

So far, all the projects I have found on Google are old and unmaintained projects. Since 2005

thank you!


Good question

Did you test the plug-in "simple code metrics"

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