Java – select the ith smallest element from the array
I have a divide and conquer method to find the ith smallest element from the array This is the code:
public class rand_select{ public static int Rand_partition(int a[],int p,int q,int i) { //smallest in a[p..q] if ( p==q) return a[p]; int r=partition (a,p,q); int k=r-p+1; if (i==k) return a[r]; if (i<k){ return Rand_partition(a,r-1,i); } return Rand_partition(a,q,i-k); } public static void main(String[] args) { int a[]=new int []{6,10,13,15,8,3,2,12}; System.out.println(Rand_partition(a,a.length-1,7)); } public static int partition(int a[],int q) { int m=a[0]; while (p < q) { while (p < q && a[p++] < m) { p++; } while (q > p && a[q--] > m) { q--; } int t = a[p]; a[p] = a[q]; a[q] = t; } int k=0; for (int i=0; i < a.length; i++) { if ( a[i]==m){ k=i; } } return k; } }
However, an exception occurred at runtime: Java lang.Arrayindexoutofboundsexception.
I can fix some mistakes A secondary is this line:
return Rand_partition(a,i-k); ^
Instead, you want this:
return Rand_partition(a,r+1,i-k); ^
That's because you have divided [p.. Q] into three parts, as follows:
Your original code handles a [R] and [p.. R-1] well, but by using R-1 instead of a [R 1.. q]
I can also correct and simplify partitions:
public static int partition(int a[],int q){ int m=a[p]; // not m[0],you want to partition m[p..q]!!! while ( p<q){ while (p<q && a[p] <m){ // don't do p++ here! p++; } while (q>p && a[q]>m){ // don't do q-- here! q--; } int t=a[p]; a[p]=a[q]; a[q]=t; } return p; // no need to search!!! }
Your original code has irrelevant P and Q - In addition, there is no need to search for the position of the pivot This is where P and Q meet
About naming conventions
Pay attention to Java Naming Conventions:
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About array declarations
Also, don't get into the habit of declaring arrays like this:
int x[];
You should use type instead of identifier to place parentheses:
int[] x;
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