Java: Animated GIF with transparent window
I'm trying to use a simple jlabel to display animation GIF on a transparent jdialog:
JDialog dialog = new JDialog(); AWTUtilities.setWindowOpaque(dialog,false); JLabel label = new JLabel(); ImageIcon ii = new ImageIcon("animation.gif"); label.setIcon(ii); JPanel panel = new JPanel(); panel.setBackground(new Color(0,0)); panel.add(label); dialog.add(panel); dialog.setVisible(true);
This is almost feasible It displays animation smoothly and does have transparency The problem is that all animation frames are overwritten instead of getting a cleared canvas and current frame every frame step I assume that jlabel's canvas is not cleared in each redraw step Who knows how I can solve this problem?
Editor: I came up with a solution I had to override the painticon function of imageicon and manually clear the canvas:
class ClearImageIcon extends ImageIcon{ public ClearImageIcon(String filename){super(filename);} @Override public synchronized void paintIcon(Component c,Graphics g,int x,int y) { Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g.create(); g2.setBackground(new Color(0,0)); g2.clearRect(0,getIconWidth(),getIconHeight()); super.paintIcon(c,g2,x,y); } }
In this way, each frame can be well drawn on the screen
This Contains gradientpaint, which is similair to add image or imageicon
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