Java – how to avoid concurrentmodificationexception when iterating over this collection?
I need to iterate over a series of projects & sometimes added to the collection at the same time However, if I add it during an iteration, I just start the iteration by breaking through the iteration loop Start the iteration from scratch However, this led to
List<Integer> collection = new ArrayList<>(); for (Integer lobId: collection) { .. if (someCondition) { collection.add(something); break; } }
How can I do the above to avoid concurrent modificationexception?
Is it correct to simply use array instead of ArrayList to avoid this exception? Is there any kind of special collection here?
I don't want to create a new copy of this ArrayList because I will repeat the entire iteration several times unless some requirements are completed Every time I create a new copy, it will bring some extra overhead. If possible, I want to avoid it
If possible, I want to maintain a sort order & unique values in the set Is there anything that can be used in any library? Otherwise, I can sort them at the end of the iteration & remove duplicates It's no problem for me
This code cannot cause concurrentmodificationexception, because after you add an element, you break the loop and no longer use the iterator