Java intelligently converts seconds into time
I want to create a library because I can't find one to convert seconds or milliseconds into time Well, I mean:
1) If I have 61 seconds, the time format is: 1:01 (not 1:1)
2) If I'm equivalent to 1 hour and 1 minute, I want it to display the same: 1:01:00
I achieved this through the following structure:
public String secondsToTime(int seconds){ String format = ""; int currentMinutes = 0,currentHour = 0; if((seconds / 60) > 0 ) { currentMinutes = seconds / 60; seconds = seconds - currentMinutes * 60; } if(currentMinutes >= 60) { currentHour = currentMinutes / 60; currentMinutes = currentMinutes - currentHour * 60; } if(currentHour == 0) { if(currentMinutes < 10 && seconds < 10) format = "0"+currentMinutes+":0"+seconds; else if(currentMinutes > 9 && seconds < 10) format = currentMinutes+":0"+seconds; else if(currentMinutes > 9 && seconds > 9) format = currentMinutes+":"+seconds; else if(currentMinutes < 10 && seconds > 9) format = "0"+currentMinutes+":"+seconds; } else { Log.i("TEST","Current hour este" + currentHour); if(currentMinutes < 10 && seconds < 10) format = currentHour+":0"+currentMinutes+":0"+seconds; else if(currentMinutes > 9 && seconds < 10) format = currentHour+":"+currentMinutes+":0"+seconds; else if(currentMinutes > 9 && seconds > 9) format = currentHour+":"+currentMinutes+":"+seconds; else if(currentMinutes < 10 && seconds > 9) format = currentHour+":0"+currentMinutes+":"+seconds; } return format; }
Is there a faster way?
This question is not repeated, because if you want to display the format I want, Java util. concurrent. Timeunit does not follow the standard I agree with him to do the conversion for you, but I still need a lot of if statements to check whether there is an hour at a time. I can't display my minute, only 1 character and don't display the hour, because it has nothing to do with 00 hours
I'm doing this search and asking these questions because I want to use this algorithm for media players on Android to display the total song time and the second part of the current song
For example, I have some mixing for more than one hour and several minutes of music, which has nothing to do with the total time of playing music files at 00:02:30. The correct way is: 2:30 because there is no time (hour = = 0). If the music file has 2 minutes and 3 seconds, say that 2:3 is incorrect. The correct way is 2:03
Just convert it to a string and cut off the leading character, as long as it is "0" or ":
DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss"); String myDate = dateFormat.format(new Date(TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(seconds))); while (( myDate.charAt(0).equals("0") || myDate.charAt(0).equals(":")){ myDate = myDate.substring(1); }