Java – use GlassFish / Metro to simulate the problem of WCF secure web server
I'm trying to build a GlassFish hosted web service (for development and testing) and a WCF hosted web service I have the WSDL of WCF hosted services. I can build Java services and Java clients from the WSDL hosted by WCF without any problems WSDL uses mutual certificate security for data exchange
WSDL has an embedded x509 certificate that matches the host certificate of the WCF server
When I try to connect my java client to a GlassFish hosted Java service, of course I get a certificate error
So what steps do I have to take to make it work? I assume:
A) I need to replace the x509 certificate string in the WSDL with the content of the self signed GlassFish certificate "s1as" created when installing GlassFish
B) Set the GlassFish server SSL parameter of the server network configuration to use the default cacerts provided with the GlassFish installation JKS and keystore JKS certificate store Even if I don't use SSL here, I assume that the server needs to know where its truststore and keystore perform mutual certificate security between http
C) Add the 's1as' server certificate to the truststore of the Java client
D) Add any certificate previously used for the original WCF connection client to the keystore of GlassFish server Don't I know this
Is there anything I'm missing here? Any help would be appreciated
Obviously, you are using message layer security instead of SSL So the communication layer is not encrypted, just the message itself
This is done using WSIT function in GlassFish I suggest you refer to the WSIT tutorial: Mutual certificate security example in
Basically, WSIT uses the keystores in as install / domains / domain1 / config, and you need to specify them by alias in the WSIT descriptor