Java – how to access the webcontent folder from the web service method
I want to reach the file in the webcontent folder from the method in the web service in the same project For example:
@WebMethod public String test() { File configFile = new File("config.xml"); return configFile.getAbsolutePath(); }
It returns "/ usr / share / glassfish3 / GlassFish / domains / domain1 / config / config. XML" I think of the files in the directory "/ usr / share / glassfish3 / GlassFish / domains / domain1 / applications / my_project_name /" How can I do that?
Add the following parameters to the web service class:
@Context ServletContext context;
Then, suppose your config The XML file is located in the webcontent folder, and you can call the method context Getrealpath (string) to get its absolute path Using your sample code would be:
@WebMethod public String test() { File configFile = new File(context.getRealPath("config.xml")); return configFile.getAbsolutePath(); }
Or directly, without passing through the file object:
@WebMethod public String test() { return context.getRealPath("config.xml"); }
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