Clojure macro for calling Java setter based on map?

I wrote a clojure wrapper for the Braintree Java library to provide a more concise and idiomatic interface I want to provide functions to instantiate Java objects quickly and concisely, such as:

(transaction-request :amount 10.00 :order-id "user42")

I know I can do this clearly, as shown in this question:

(defn transaction-request [& {:keys [amount order-id]}]
  (doto (TransactionRequest.)
    (.amount amount)
    (.orderId order-id)))

However, this is repeated for many classes and becomes more complex when parameters are optional With reflection, you can define these functions more concisely:

(defn set-obj-from-map [obj m]
  (doseq [[k v] m]
      obj (name k) (into-array Object [v])))

(defn transaction-request [& {:as m}]
  (set-obj-from-map (TransactionRequest.) m))

(defn transaction-options-request [tr & {:as m}]
  (set-obj-from-map (TransactionOptionsRequest. tr) m))

Obviously, if possible, I want to avoid reflection I tried to define a macro map of set obj from the map, but my macro is not strong enough This may require Eval, as described here

Is there a way to call a Java method specified at run time without using reflection?

Thank you in advance!

Update solution:

According to Joost's suggestion, I can use similar technology to solve the problem A macro uses reflection at compile time to identify which setter methods the class has, then looks up param in the table and calls the method with this value

Here is a macro and an example:

; Find only setter methods that we care about
(defn find-methods [class-sym]
  (let [cls (eval class-sym)
        methods (.getmethods cls)
        to-sym #(symbol (.getName %))
        setter? #(and (= cls (.getReturnType %))
                      (= 1 (count (.getParameterTypes %))))]
    (map to-sym (filter setter? methods))))

; Convert a Java camelCase method name into a Clojure :key-word
(defn meth-to-kw [method-sym]
  (-> (str method-sym)
      (str/replace #"([A-Z])"
                   #(str "-" (.toLowerCase (second %))))

; Returns a function taking an instance of klass and a map of params
(defmacro builder [klass]
  (let [obj (gensym "obj-")
        m (gensym "map-")
        methods (find-methods klass)]
    `(fn [~obj ~m]
       ~@(map (fn [meth]
               `(if-let [v# (get ~m ~(meth-to-kw meth))] (. ~obj ~meth v#)))

; Example usage
(defn transaction-request [& {:as params}]
  (-> (TransactionRequest.)
    ((builder TransactionRequest) params)
    ; some further use of the object


You can use reflection at compile time ~ as long as you know the class you are working on, then ~ find the field name and generate a "static" setter from it I wrote some code that you might find interesting for getters See (especially Def fields macro in)

The content of this article comes from the network collection of netizens. It is used as a learning reference. The copyright belongs to the original author.
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